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Retire Well. Live Well.

Making your money last a lifetime should be a primary goal, but it can prove to be challenging. After all, accumulated wealth is meaningless if you don’t know how – and when – to use it. With a sound retirement income plan in place, you can be confident that you will not outlive your assets.

Not only is regular income needed in retirement to meet the basic cost of living expenses, it’s a necessity for the unexpected costs as well. Whether you are just starting to plan for retirement or are already enjoying retirement, Stonehaven Wealth & Tax Solutions will guide you from focusing solely on wealth accumulation and investing to creating a stable source of retirement income. Identifying your income sources, estimating anticipated expenses, and determining withdrawal strategies helps us to formulate a spending strategy that makes financial sense for you.

A retirement plan would not be complete without Social Security. In fact, most Americans count on it to help supplement the retirement benefit they are building through their employer plan and personal savings. We help identify various Social Security retirement benefit options and create collection strategies that optimize lifetime benefits.